Friday, October 29, 2010

pedestrian / cycling walkway, above st francis





main complex, main building schematic design

main entry recessed to visually cue visitors to main entrance.

upon entry a large double volume greets visitors, surrounding which are shops, cafes, entertainment areas. at the rear of the double volume/mezzanine is an exit to the outdoors where the main entertainment area is, including the 3-story movie projection screen.

same idea as above, but with the staggered front building facade. arrows show side circulation and exits.

main complex

this is the original design of the main complex. the new design has staggered a facade.

center building with void.

end residential unit.

main building. notice void in facade to visually attract visitors to main entrance. it can be adorned with tables from adjacent cafes, to entice people to enter. 


Thursday, October 28, 2010

this incorporates the new staggered design as proposed by this week's meeting.







Sunday, October 10, 2010

transportation zones and traffic flow

blue  =  proposed raised walkways. raised walkways to have cycling traffic left and right, with center partitions for ped traffic lane. proposed 15'min to 20'width.

green  =  proposed bus stops, note there is one on each side of the street, each oriented with traffic, one north bound and one south bound. peds can easily use the raised walkway to get to the northbound bus line. bus stops to accomodate three parked buses min. note green icon on east zia, at the entrance to the albertson's parking lot, is an existing bus station.

red  =  bike parking. trent's idea to have a bike parking area, where bikes can be locked safely overnight.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

zia station all 3 lots

west lot

north lot


check out the facebook page as well:

green urbandesign

and the facebook fan page:


how to calculate overhangs in santa fe, nm

window gardens

here's a great idea for individual residential units growing their own food.

site area

what does everyone think about developing the three site areas, as mentioned in the newspaper article?

if we design and plan to develop all three will have plenty of space for our community, parking, power generation, affordable housing and trent's electric car rental idea.

(it looks like mozart's garage is not located on the site to be developed.)

i vote for developing all three; what does everyone else think?

1. we could keep the community at the original location, that most have decided on, st francis and zia, at the train station.

2. we can keep the parking across the street, for park and ride people, then add trent's idea of electric car rental, etc to this location and add lots of alternative power here, as much as will fit on the site, to keep it away from residential homes/apt.s. trent had mentioned fuel cells, wind and solar. we will need a lot of power, especially to power electric cars. decorative and quiet wind units can be placed throughout our community campus and larger units could also be placed at the edge of our growing area, if we need more space.

3. the lot, west of st. francis, travelling downhill on zia, can be used for affordable housing.


water notes:

it looks like we will pass on the green roof, as discussed last class, as we can do more with the water if we can collect it instead. we can still have mini green roofs on the resident’s balconies though.
all rain water collected from roofs and drainage to be used for drinking water and for clean use, potable water.

all waste water, black water, to be recycled. to do this, all black water to enter a storage tank after a giant septic tank, liquid, no chunks. this storage tank will have bacteria in it that will eat all matter and turn it into light gray water. this water can be used for gardening, watering plants, grass, flushing toilets, etc. (this water can become potable again with the use of a uv filter). this grey water can also be used for wetlands, located near our gardening area.

this system was invented by the army in the 70’s, on a base, in the arctic tundra, where it used a lot of energy converting ice into water and then needing to dispose of liquid waste at sub-freezing temperatures. it is now used on all submarines. the new mexico’s governor’s mansion currently uses this system.

for more info:

any comments or changes?

watch this film from pbs, THE GREEN BUILDERS
